Live for today

by | Oct 29, 2024 | Inspirational

Written by Helena Smith

Last night, we had a wonderful rainstorm. This morning, everything looks green and fresh. As I drove to work, I thanked the Lord for the lovely rain and for how beautiful and new everything looked. But before I knew it, my thoughts began to wander. I started worrying about tomorrow, and as the negative train of thought picked up speed, I found myself worrying about next year. We struggle to live in the moment, to relax, and to enjoy the good things in our lives.

Because we don’t know what the future holds, it’s easy to feel anxious. Things may be going well now, but when will the next bad thing happen? What problems are lurking around the corner? We don’t have a guarantee that everything will go smoothly tomorrow. Fear of the future stops us from enjoying today. It keeps us from living in the moment. It steals our joy.

The truth is, the future is uncertain. We cannot guarantee good health, peace, or success. We have little to no control over life. Yet Jesus offers us a better way to live. He doesn’t promise a life without pain or struggle, but He gives us something better. He teaches us to trust God in every moment. In trusting God, we find true life.

Like Lot’s wife, we sometimes long for the past—the “good old days”—forgetting that those times were often filled with challenges too. Other times, we’re so focused on a future without problems that we forget life is about today, about what’s happening right now.

So how do we stay grounded in a world filled with uncertainty? We trust in Jesus. He remains the same, always. Hebrews 13:8 reminds us: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” The same God who helped us in the past will help us through today and provide for our future.

We’ve all learned to pray the Lord’s Prayer, where we ask for our daily bread. The Israelites received manna daily while wandering in the wilderness—just enough for one day. Every day, they had to ask God for food. From this, we can learn to pray daily for God to give us enough strength and grace for today, without worrying about tomorrow. The art of survival lies in faith—in knowing we can trust God for today’s “manna.” And we know we can trust Him with the future because He has a plan for our lives.

So, live intentionally in the moment. Seize the day, enjoy it, and make the most of it.